
Showing posts from September, 2022

What you do **MATTERS**

Every action we take, every decision, makes a profound difference to the entire world. We think we can do anything we want, because "it really doesn't make a difference".  We rationalize away our sins this way saying "it doesn't really hurt anyone"...   but is that really true? One of my favorite movies is "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart.  It exemplifies how many other lives were touched by one man - and the profound effect his actions had on each of their lives.   One of my favorite scenes was when the angel was telling George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart's character) - "All those men on that transport died.  Harry wasn't there to save them, because you weren't there to save Harry". That's true of all of us.  At my brother's funeral, I heard someone tell a story about when my brother was in High School.  He was walking past someone he knew, and made some funny remark to make the guy laugh, which he did, and th...

Keeping Faith

 Sometimes it's a little tough to maintain your faith.   Bad things happen, right?  But where is it written that because we follow Christ we're supposed to have things easy?   If I recall correctly, Jesus said "If the world hates you, remember it hated me first..."   He also said "pick up your cross DAILY and follow me." There was nothing easy about His crucifixion.  It was the ultimate act of self-sacrifice -- personal suffering for another's benefit.  There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for a friend.   Christ's whole example in his ministry was one of self-sacrifice.   If we are to be followers of Jesus, then we have to follow his *example*.   We can't expect things to be easy.  This is not the time for doubt - but rather a time to double-down on our faith in God. Jesus did say that we are the beloved children of the Father, and that the father will give good things to His children, j...