Crisis in the Church.
Well, here we are again. People are shocked, lives are shattered, shepherds have shown themselves to be untrustworthy. We ask ourselves, "Are we not doing things right?" - "I thought we fixed this".... "We have rules and procedures to prevent these things now". I submit to you that this is not a procedural problem, but a spiritual one. And we have been warned. Multiple times. Our Lady has appeared numerous times to us - Fatima, Ecuador, Akita and elsewhere. Her message is always the same: "Pray the rosary daily, offer sacrifices in reparation for sin. Turn away from evil and back to God." The same message she gave at the wedding at Cana: "Do whatever He tells you". At Fatima, in 1917, she told the children: “This war will end, but if men do not refrain from offending God, another and more terrible war will begin...” Think about it. World war II did NOT have to...