The Rosary -- the sword of our faith.
Catholics *used* to be seen with their rosary in hand... it used to be one sign of a Catholic. Unfortunately, it seems to have fallen "out of fashion". I think we need to reconsider what we're neglecting. In today's world, many Catholics, protestants, and even non-religious can see how messed up the world is, and how much we need to change -- that was one of Trumps main attractants to people in the US.... getting back to where we USED to be.... I'll agree on one level. We need to get back to where we used to be --- we need to get back to being a rosary-praying people! The rosary is a meditation on the entire Gospel and incarnation of Christ. But if you look at the history of the rosary (one talk on the bible studies page gives a good history of the rosary), you'll see that this is more than "some devotion". When Our Lady appeared in Fatima, Portugal in 1917, she told the children " Say the R...