
 My latest book has been released.... and i got the follwing review, which was really nice: Review Rating: 5 Stars - Congratulations on your 5-star review! Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite Immerse yourself in the story of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, from a perspective few have seen before. In A Mother's Walk Through Scripture, Donna Silveira focuses on the life of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, who spent thirty years of her life with Him and was His first and foremost disciple, long before the twelve Apostles. When the angel Gabriel reveals to Mary she is the one to give birth to the Lord, she humbly accepts her responsibility. Even after learning Simeon's sorrowful prophecy, Mary dedicates her life to following the teachings and path of Jesus, from witnessing His first public ministry to His crucifixion at Golgotha and eventually His resurrection and ascension. Despite facing enormous trials and tribulations, Mary remains meek yet resolute throughou...

This Is Your Last Warning: An Authoritative End Of Days Timeline

 Well.... the paperback version of my book just went live. Sometimes it's difficult to see God's plan, but I suppose the best we can do is try to respond to whatever God is leading us to do. I've spent a fair amount of time and energy on this...  so now it's in God's hands. It is nice when people review it, and they react positively, although i know that's not going to be the case all the time.  There is no joy without suffering.  But at least I've done my due diligence in getting the word out.   this is the first post which is live.... the kindle version will be available starting on August 27. I don't know if I'll get the audiobook version finished...  I was trying to record it myself, and it's unbelievably slow going!  (there are a few French and Latin terms in there.... and I do get rather tongue-tied trying to pronounce some of this stuff).  God is so good though.......

Good articles explaininng Church teaching.

  for "no salvation outside the Catholic Church"... that is still the teaching of the Church.... missing mass is STILL a mortal sin (against the 3rd commandment of keeping holy the sabbath) the eating meat is not the mortal sin, but rather the disobeience to the church. and we are STILL under the obligation to do penance during lent: the idea of limbo was simply a theory of what happens to unbaptized babies --- not an obligation of how we are supposed to act, or what's acceptable. The concern was that they didn't want to minimize the necessity of baptism, which is probably how the limbo thing came about. for a good writeup on the understanding of why women can't be priests, i'll point you here:

Women Priests....

I address this in my upcoming book, but I just wanted to make a quick mention here... Women priests goes against Christ.  It's that simple.   Jesus was a man. The priest acts "in persona Christi"... (in the person of Christ).  No offense to the transgender community, but.... yeah... not happening.  It really is okay to stay in your own lane. That doesn't mean you're somehow "diminished" because you can't do something that someone else does. A fish is no "less" than a bird, which is no "less" than a lion. We all have our areas that we have dominion over, and each is impressive and unique and gives glory to God. It is envy, plain and simple, that drives this mentality. People seem to think that if they're excluded from some role or action, that they are somehow "cheated" of living the fullness of life. I wonder if it ever occurred to someone that Mozart was a genius on the piano (or harpsichord in that day, I think).  ...

The End Times

 I have been incredibly busy, finally finishing up a book on the end times.   Going through numerous prophecies, the lives and writings of various mystics and seers, countless books, pamphlets, websites, biographies....   this has been an exhausting endeavor.  I'm glad to be at the point that I  can start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel though.  What started me on this trek was the vast amount of misinformation and false prophecy out there.  I've been caught before by false apparitions, so I've learned to take a more cautious approach these days.  Long ago, I had read one of the most beautiful descriptions of the mass that I had ever read.   Continuing on with the various messages, though, I found messages with directly contradict church teaching, which absolutely show that those messages (even if supernatural) are not coming from *heaven*.  Many other messages are far more subtle. That's why scripture tells us t...

Following the leader.

 Obviously "blogging" is not my forte.   I tend to be so busy with so many things, that I simply forget about the blog.  Updating the website, doing the bible in a year on the discord server,  maintaining the discord chat room, and a thousand other things....  but it's all part of the plan, i suppose. I try to go where God leads.... but sometimes it seems i'm led in really odd places.  trying to maintain my prayer life is important, too.  It's really easy to get so enmeshed in all the "things" I'm doing, that I simply forget to pray.   I've had more than one night where i've said the rosary somewhere between midnight and two AM.  (maybe insomnia's good for something after all!)  Maybe it's time for me to shave off some things and focus on others.  That could also be the lesson here.

What you do **MATTERS**

Every action we take, every decision, makes a profound difference to the entire world. We think we can do anything we want, because "it really doesn't make a difference".  We rationalize away our sins this way saying "it doesn't really hurt anyone"...   but is that really true? One of my favorite movies is "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart.  It exemplifies how many other lives were touched by one man - and the profound effect his actions had on each of their lives.   One of my favorite scenes was when the angel was telling George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart's character) - "All those men on that transport died.  Harry wasn't there to save them, because you weren't there to save Harry". That's true of all of us.  At my brother's funeral, I heard someone tell a story about when my brother was in High School.  He was walking past someone he knew, and made some funny remark to make the guy laugh, which he did, and th...